What is Painless Root Canal Treatment & Best Clinic For It?
Root canal treatment (also known as 'endodontics') is required when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (called the 'pulp') gets infected owing to decay or trauma. You may not feel any discomfort in the early stages of an infection. In some cases, the colour of your tooth may darken, suggesting that the tooth's nerve has perished (or is dying). Root canal therapy would be required in this case, you can go with Painless Root Canal Treatment. Is Root Canal Therapy Painful? No A local anaesthetic is commonly used, and the process should feel no different than having a routine filling done. Following that, there may be some tenderness, but it should gradually fade. What Exactly Is It? The treatment's goal is to eliminate all infection from the root canal. To prevent your teeth from additional infection, your root must be cleaned and filled. Root canal therapy is a time-consuming and spe...